Saturday, December 13, 2014

MJ2 Advanced Topic 7 Rates and Proportional Relationships Homework

12/12 and 12/15
Online DIGITS Topic 7 Homework on Equivalent Ratios and Unit rates

12/16 and 12/17
Students received a TAKE HOME MIDTERM. This assignment requires a parent signature. 
The midterm is a 100 point assignment and is graded as a test grade and graded on accuracy. Students are allowed to use notes, a calculator, and are able to receive help.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

MJ2 Advanced HW for DIGITS Topic 13

12/02 and 12/03
Front and Back worksheet on Solving and Graphing One Step Inequalities

12/04 and 12/05
Front and Back worksheet on Solving and Graphing Two Step Inequalities

12/08 and 12/09
Online Inequalities Test Review

12/10 and 12/11
No Homework

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Algebra Chapter 6 Systems of Equations Homework

12/02 and 12/03
Page 367 in Textbook
#s 10-18

12/04 and 12/05
Page 375 in Textbook
#s 11-18

12/08 and 12/09
Chapter 6 Mid-Chapter Review Online MathXL

12/10 and 12/11
Chapter 6 End of Chapter Review Online MathXL

12/14 and 12/15 and 12/16
Study for Midterm! Covers Chapters 2-6
Important items to study for midterm:
* solving multi-step equations and inequalities
* solving absolute value equations and inequalities
* writing compound inequalities to solve word problems
* literal equations
* graphing linear equations and absolute value equations
* domain, range, and function rules
* finding slope and comparing slopes
* solving proportions
* perpendicular and parallel lines
* systems of equations and systems of inequalities (solving, writing, and graphing)
* finding the compliment, union, and intersections of sets
* writing equations of a line in standard and slope intercept form/ converting between the forms

Midterm is 12/17 and 12/18!! Students who get a B or higher are excused from the Winter Break Packet. Midterm is not recyclable. 

12/17 and 12/18
Winter Break Packet; graded like test; must show work; due when we return from break
Students that passed their midterm with a B or higher are excused from this assignment. 
Winter Break Packet-
Chapter 1 Pages 74 and 75 #s 1-13
Chapter 2 Pages 158-160 #s 1-16
Chapter 3 Pages 228 -230 #s 1-15
Chapter 4 Pages 288-289 #s 1-11
Chapter 5 Pages 358-359 #s 1-11
Chapter 6 Pages 412-413 #s 1-13