Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28th and 29th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Algebra HW 9/24 and 9/25

In class- students learned about solving literal equations; the key is to work towards the variable using inverse operations to isolate the variable; students also learned how to pull key words from word problems to write equations

Homework- literal equations HW online

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 22nd and 23rd HW for Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- students will review how to set up proportions and how to solve proportions; students will be introduced to solving proportions that involve using the distributive property

In class- students will take notes on proportions using guided notes, have a focus review lesson on solving equations, will take a 10 question quiz, and then turn in their notebooks for a notebook check.

Homework-complete HW on proportions on

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18th and 21st

Objective- Learn how to write equations for word problems
In Class- students are to complete all assignment on the online textbook

6B, 7B, and 8B- any computer assignments not completed in class with substitute are to be completed as homework!!
Center 1
Mini quiz 2-3
Mini quiz 2-4
Chapter 2 Mid Chapter Quiz Review

*** Any students who do not have internet access need to stay after school to finish the assignment 

There will be a quiz on solving all types of equations on Tuesday 9/21 and Wednesday 9/22
There will also be a BINDER CHECK on Tuesday 9/21 and Wednesday 9/22; please be sure all bellringers, homework, classwork, notes, tests, and quizzes are under the correct tab and organized/completed. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 16th and 17th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- students will learn how to solve equations that have variables on both sides as well as equations that have no solution or infinite solutions

In class- students will receive their take home quiz back and it will be kept in their binders; then students will take notes on new topics using guided notes; then students will sign up for a mathXL account and be able to start their HW assignment in class

Homework- MATHXL QUIZ on solving all types of equations (one step, two step, multi-step, eliminating fractions, variables on both sides, equations with no solution and infinite solutions); Students MUST USE NOTES to help them while solving these problems.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 14th and 15th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- Review one step, two step, and multistep equations; students will also learn how to eliminate fractions before solving equations

In class- students will take guided notes; have practice with a partner; will turn in their recycling from the last test as well as turn in their take home quiz on one step and two step equations

Homework in Textbook
Page 98 #s 45-53 (ALL)
Page 153 #s 13-23 (ODDS)

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 10th and 11th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- students will be finishing the second session of their Algebra 1 Honors baseline; then students will participate in a mini-lesson review of one step and two step equations. These notes will be important for students to use while completing their homework.

TAKE HOME QUIZ on solving one step and two step equations; work MUST be shown like in the notes for full credit. This QUIZ will be graded on accuracy!

Enrichment math students who have me 1A or 2A also need to finish 2-2 on mathxl if it was not finished in class. 2-2 will be due by Monday so make sure it is done! Those who have not finished do not yet have a grade in focus, if it is not complete by Monday whatever work that has been completed will be what is graded and all unfinished questions will be marked as incorrect.

Monday, September 7, 2015

September 8th and 9th Algebra 1 Honors Homework

Objective- Students will be taking the Algebra 1 Honors District Baseline Session 1

Homework- Students MUST recycle their test. This is NOT an optional assignment! This assignment is due by next class period.

Step 1- Resolve the problem and SHOW YOUR WORK
Step 2- Explain the steps in which to solve the problem correctly using correct terminology from the guided notes as well as full sentences.
Step 3- If applicable, write important vocabulary words needed to solve the problem correctly and a brief definition of the word or words.

Failure to recycle the missed questions like asked above will result in withholding the students test grade until it is done correctly. If the test is never recycled the student will receive a zero on the test.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3rd and September 4th Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- students will be tested on Chapter 1 foundations of Algebra as well as a review of the rules of integers (a non-calculator section of the test)
In Class- Test
Homework- Page 77 #s 1-18

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1st and September 2nd Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- Students will review distributive property, combining like terms, PEMDAS, integer rules, and necessary vocabulary.
In Class- students completed notes on the topics above. Students completed practice problems to review for test.

Homework- Complete the ONLINE assignment Chapter 1 Review and study the notes for your Chapter 1 QUIZ next class!!! Come to class prepared! You are in HIGH SCHOOL and need to study!
How to get onto the online textbook:
1) Go to blog
2) Click on Algebra 1 Textbook under "Important links"
3) Login with normal username and password
4) Click on "Pearson Realize"
5) Click on "Classes" and you will see the assignment. Click on the assignment to begin.