Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Classes 1A, 7B, 8B: Unit 7 Geometry Homework (UPDATED DAILY)

01/28 and 01/29
Red Textbook Page 538 #s 25 and 26
                       Page 539 #s 28, 29, 30, 32

01/30 and 01/31
Take Home Test Packet (Even Numbers ONLY) 100 point test grade
1. Write formula
2. Substitute correct values for the variables in the formula
3. Solve using PEMDAS

02/03 and 02/04
Recycle take home test (using steps 1 and 2 only for recycling)
1. show new work and answer
2. what was your mistake?
Make sure you recycle and bring that test grade UP! :) Practice makes perfect when finding area! Be sure you are using the CORRECT formulas!

02/05 and 02/06
Finish any problems not completed in the centers from class; correct any that you did not get correct

02/07 and 02/10
worksheet on composite shapes

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Homework for Unit 6 on Ratios and Rates (Classes 1A, 7B, and 8B)

01/08 and 01/09
Red Textbook Page 239 #s 11,12,18,22,24
other upcoming important assignments/dates-
1. Recycling for Module C Test (failure to recycle tests results to 10 points deducted on score)
(due Friday for B Day students and Monday for A Day students)
2. Math Journals need to be organized and ready to be graded!
(due Friday for B Day students and Monday for A Day students)
3. Recycling of Winter Break Packet
       Steps- a. Must show new work and answer
                  b. State your mistake
                  c. Key words and their meanings
(due Tuesday for B Day students and Wednesday for A Day students)
01/10 and 01/13
Red textbook Page 240 #s 25, 26 and Page 241 #s 32, 34, 35
Don't forget Winter Break Packet Recycling is due Tuesday for B Day Students and Wednesday for A Day Students! This is your last chance to bring up your grade!
01/14 and 01/15
Red textbook Page 242 #s 1-18
01/16 and 01/21
Page 242 Red textbook Practice test all questions
01/22 and 01/23
Practice Test for Ratios! Test is next class!!
Test Friday- for 7B and 8B students
Test Monday- for 1A students
01/24 and 01/27
Recycle Test!
1. MUST SHOW new work and answer
3. Key words and their meanings

Other important items!!!
Math CGA for quarter two will be THIS WEDNESDAY 01/15! This will count as a grade. 
Starting 3rd quarter the behavioral award system will no longer be completed using class dojo. Instead the class with the highest grade point average will be awarded. This is for both MJ1 and Enrichment classes. 

Homework for 3A class only Unit 5 Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Thursday 01/09/2014
Red Textbook Page 307
#s 11, 14, 16, 17, 24, 25
Other upcoming important assignment dates:
* Math Journals need to be organized by MONDAY to be graded for a 100 point assignment
* Winter Break Recycling is due on Wednesday January 15th
    Steps for Recycling for Winter Break Packet
    1. must show new work and answer
    2. state your mistake
    3. key words and their meanings
Monday 01/13/2014
Red Textbook Finish LT 1 and 2
Winter Break Packet Recycling is DUE WEDNESDAY! This is the last chance to bring up your grade!
Tuesday 01/21/2014
Red Textbook Page 308 #s 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34
Thursday 01/23/2014
Red Textbook Page 309 #s 52-58
Monday 01/27/2014
Study Packet- fractions, decimals, and percents!!! Test is on this Wednesday 01/29
Wednesday 01/29/2014
Recycle test on Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
1. must show new work and answer
2. state your mistake
3. key words and their meanings
Friday 0/1/31/2014
Homework Worksheet- "Problem solving practice"
Study Practice Test we did in class- a quiz on this material is on TUESDAY!
Tuesday 02/04/2014
Complete recycling for missed questions on quiz
1. must show new work and answer
2. state your mistake
3. key words and their meanings
Other important items!!!
Math CGA for quarter two will be THIS WEDNESDAY 01/15! This will count as a grade. 
Starting 3rd quarter the behavioral award system will no longer be completed using class dojo. Instead the class with the highest grade point average will be awarded. This is for both MJ1 and Enrichment classes.