Monday, January 26, 2015

MJ2 Advanced HW Topic 14

01/26 and 01/27
Percents and Proportional Relationships classwork (if not finished in class)

01/28 and 01/29
Click this Link to Play the Slope Song! :)
Linear equations and slope of a line assignments on the Online Textbook Due next class

02/03 and 02/04
Review Packet on Topic 14; test next class on this topic

02/05 and 02/06
Online HW assignment on linear equations

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Algebra 1 Honors- Chapter 8 HW

01/26 and 01/27
8.1 Quiz Online due next class!
Finish Classwork if necessary (in math journal) Page 489 #s 1-15 and Page 490 #s 16-41

01/28 and 01/29
Page 495 #s 9-25 ODD
Page 496 #s 49-52
Page 502 #s 20-24
Page 502 #s 31-34
Page 508 #s 37-49 ODD
Page 508 #s 50, 54
Page 509 #s 59-61
*** assignment is worth three hw grades 

01/30 and 02/02
Chapter 8 Mid-Chapter Review Online (25 pts, must get 70% or higher for full credit of completion)
Page 510 #s 1-30 (3A class only)
Finish classwork  in textbook page 510 #s 1-30; page 536 #s 6-28 if necessary (5B and 7B class only)

02/03 and 02/04
Page 537 #s 42-58
Page 157 #s 2-18 even
Page 227 #s 2-26 even (omit #14)
*** assignment is worth three hw grades

02/05 and 02/06
Page 287 #s 2-20 evens (omit 14 and 16)
Page 539 #s 1-23 odds
Page 516 #s 32-40 all
***assignment is worth three hw grades

02/09 and 02/10
End of Chapter 8 Review Online

02/11 and 02/12
Chapter 8 Test Review Online; test next class.

02/13 and 02/17
Benchmark Test #4- covers Chapter 7 and 8

Friday, January 16, 2015

Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 Expectations and Guidelines

Students will not be allowed to recycle tests or quizzes for extra points. Grades from tests and quizzes will now be final. Students will still be encouraged to find mistakes from the questions missed on tests and quizzes to grasp a better understanding. At the end of each quarter students can choose one test to recycle for half credit.

Students will now receive zero credit for late assignments. No late assignments will be accepted for the 3rd or 4th quarter. At the end of the quarter students can choose one missing assignment to make up for 50% credit.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

MJ2 Advanced Topic 8 Homework

01/05/2015 and 01/06/2015
8.1 and 8.2 Homework Worksheet
Topic 7 Quiz will be next class; study review notes!

01/07 and 01/08
Finish 8.1 and 8.2

01/09 and 01/12
8.3 and 8.4 Worksheet

01/12 and 01/13
Topic 8 Review Online

01/14 and 01/15
CGA Review on the online textbook

01/20 through 01/22
CGA #2 will be Thursday and Friday of this week
It will cover these topics-
Ratios and Rates
Proportional Relationships
Equivalent Expressions (combining liker terms, factoring, distributive property)
Inequalities (solving one step/two step/ multi step and graphing their answers)

Extra Credit-
Complete 35 Question Packet for 3 free 100's to study for CGA

Algebra 1 Honors- Chapter 7 Homework

01/05/2015 and 01/06/2015
Textbook page 446 #s 1-20

01/07 and 01/08
Online Mid Chapter review for Chapter 7

01/09 and 01/12
Worksheets on rules for exponents (X2)

01/13 through 01/23
CGA Review Part 1 and Part 2 on the online textbook (this is a mandatory assignment)
Extra Credit Opportunity: Extra Practice for Chapters 5, 6, and 7 (ODDS ONLY) have been assigned on the online textbook to help you study for your CGA. Each of these that are completed with a passing score will receive a free 100 test score to be averaged in with your 3rd nine weeks grade.
CGA #2 will be Thursday and Friday of this week

Thursday, January 1, 2015


The tutoring schedule has changed.
Tuesdays are open for Algebra students ONLY. It occurs from 3:00-3:45 pm.
Thursdays are open for MJ2 students ONLY. It occurs from 3:00-3:30 pm

Students must be picked up promptly or they will not be asked back to tutoring.