Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28th and August 31st Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- Students will learn about Rational Numbers and the Real Number System
In Class- Students completed a bellringer on combining like terms and writing algebraic expressions and we reviewed the homework from the last class. Students also took notes on the real number system and we discussed rational numbers versus irrational numbers and reviewed rules for + - x / integers.

Algebra textbook Page 69 #s 26-29 and Page 70 #s 32-46

For Page 69 plug in the values for the variables then use PEMDAS
Below is a snippet from our notes to help you for your HW on Page 70:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26th and August 27th HW Algebra 1 Honors

Objective of Lesson: Variables and Expressions; Simplifying Expressions using PEMDAS
In Class- We reviewed the homework from last class, completed a bell-ringer on combining "like" terms and writing algebraic expressions using key words. Students took notes on identifying terms, variables, coefficients, and constants as well as how to combine like terms and write expressions in standard form. 

Homework to be completed in Textbook:
Page 13 #s 25-33
(Substitute the values for the variables and then use PEMDAS to solve!)
Bring a picture for the bulletin board!

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 24th and 25th HW Algebra 1 Honors

Variables and Expressions; Simplifying Expressions using PEMDAS
In Class- Rituals, Routines, Guidelines, and Expectations
                Students took notes on 1-1 and 1-2 and reviewed rules for integers
Homework to be completed in Textbook:
Page 7 #s 1-8
Page 13 #s 1-6
Bring a picture for the bulletin board!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8th Grade Algebra 1 Honors

Welcome! It is my honor to be your Algebra 1 Honors teacher this 2015-2016 school year. This year you will be completing a HIGH SCHOOL course and this will be for HIGH SCHOOL credit. It is extremely important that you understand that this will be on your high school transcript when applying for colleges. Therefore, you must complete assignments on time and study for tests to be successful in this course. 


(the following steps must be completed for each missed question on a test)
1. Redo the problem and SHOW YOUR WORK
2. Explain the steps that should have taken place and why; explain your mistake
3. List any vocabulary that is important to know from this question and the definition


Tab 1: Bellringers
Tab 2: Homework
Tab 3: Notes/ Powerpoints
Tab 4: Classwork
Tab 5: Quizzes, Tests, and Recycling
Tab 6: Enrichment (for enrichment Algebra students only)

Bring this folder, your workbook, a pencil, and a calculator with you EVERYDAY!!

Homework help (or "tutoring") will occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:55pm to 3:35pm. During this time we will complete homework in small groups. All of my students are welcome. Students must have a ride promptly at 3:35pm on the Thacker side of the building. If students are given permission, students are allowed to walk to the San Marco library if you are not able to pick them up on time. 
Thank you! And I hope students are able to come for help!