Saturday, December 13, 2014

MJ2 Advanced Topic 7 Rates and Proportional Relationships Homework

12/12 and 12/15
Online DIGITS Topic 7 Homework on Equivalent Ratios and Unit rates

12/16 and 12/17
Students received a TAKE HOME MIDTERM. This assignment requires a parent signature. 
The midterm is a 100 point assignment and is graded as a test grade and graded on accuracy. Students are allowed to use notes, a calculator, and are able to receive help.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

MJ2 Advanced HW for DIGITS Topic 13

12/02 and 12/03
Front and Back worksheet on Solving and Graphing One Step Inequalities

12/04 and 12/05
Front and Back worksheet on Solving and Graphing Two Step Inequalities

12/08 and 12/09
Online Inequalities Test Review

12/10 and 12/11
No Homework

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Algebra Chapter 6 Systems of Equations Homework

12/02 and 12/03
Page 367 in Textbook
#s 10-18

12/04 and 12/05
Page 375 in Textbook
#s 11-18

12/08 and 12/09
Chapter 6 Mid-Chapter Review Online MathXL

12/10 and 12/11
Chapter 6 End of Chapter Review Online MathXL

12/14 and 12/15 and 12/16
Study for Midterm! Covers Chapters 2-6
Important items to study for midterm:
* solving multi-step equations and inequalities
* solving absolute value equations and inequalities
* writing compound inequalities to solve word problems
* literal equations
* graphing linear equations and absolute value equations
* domain, range, and function rules
* finding slope and comparing slopes
* solving proportions
* perpendicular and parallel lines
* systems of equations and systems of inequalities (solving, writing, and graphing)
* finding the compliment, union, and intersections of sets
* writing equations of a line in standard and slope intercept form/ converting between the forms

Midterm is 12/17 and 12/18!! Students who get a B or higher are excused from the Winter Break Packet. Midterm is not recyclable. 

12/17 and 12/18
Winter Break Packet; graded like test; must show work; due when we return from break
Students that passed their midterm with a B or higher are excused from this assignment. 
Winter Break Packet-
Chapter 1 Pages 74 and 75 #s 1-13
Chapter 2 Pages 158-160 #s 1-16
Chapter 3 Pages 228 -230 #s 1-15
Chapter 4 Pages 288-289 #s 1-11
Chapter 5 Pages 358-359 #s 1-11
Chapter 6 Pages 412-413 #s 1-13

Sunday, November 23, 2014

CGA 1 Recovery Opportunity

Students are being given the opportunity to recover their CGA grade by completing the CGA 1 Grade Recovery on the online text.
A letter has been sent home with detailed information and a signature is being required as part of a homework grade.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Algebra Chapter 5 Homework

11/06 and 11/07
Page 298 #S 11, 12, 17, 18, 23, 24
Page 312 #s 7, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23, 28, 29

11/12 and 11/13
Quiz Online for 5-4 and 5-5 (QUIZ GRADE)

11/14 and 11/17
Quiz Online for 5-2 and 5-6 (QUIZ GRADE)
Get your agenda signed and show your data compared to the district, our school, and your class! Also be sure to point out how much you have grown from the baseline score! :) You will receive extra credit for this signature.

11/18 and 11/19
chapter 5 test review online
Test next class!!!

11/20 and 11/21
no homework

11/24 and 11/25
Complete CGA 1 test packet if you want extra credit
***Chapter 4 #s 12,13,18,19 will not count against you, they are extra credit
CGA Parent Letter
recycle Chapter 5 test
1. resolve problem

2. explain your mistake

Monday, November 3, 2014

MJ2 Advanced Homework Topics 10, 11, 12, and 13 from DIGITS

11/04 and 11/05
Worksheet on PEMDAS and Properties
QUIZ on Properties and PEMDAS next class!

11/06 and 11/07
DIGITS Book Page 252 #s 1-6

11/12 and 11/13

11/14 and 11/17
Topic 11 Equations Online Test Review! Use the link under "helpful links". You CAN use your notes!!!
Get your agenda signed and show your data compared to the district, our school, and your class! Also be sure to point out how much you have grown from the baseline score! :) You will receive extra credit for this signature.

11/18 and 11/19
Test Review on Expressions and Equations
Test next class!!!

11/20 and 11/21
recycle test
1. resolve problem showing work
2. explain your original mistake

11/24 and 11/25
CGA test recycle packet; student can complete CGA packet to bring up grade from CGA
CGA Parent Letter

Monday, October 27, 2014

Algebra 1 Honors Homework

10/22 and 10/23
Page 284 and 285 #s 4-16

10/27 and 10/28
Finish test review online! :)
Here is the link to access the assignment we did in class!

CGA will be on October 30th and 31st. THIS WILL COUNT AS A GRADE. It will cover all we have learned so far!

10/29 and 10/30
Extra Credit opportunity given- due by Sunday 11/09
Algebra 1 Extra Credit
1. Go to Algebra 1 Textbook under Important Links
2. Login using a capital S and your student number for the username then use your normal DCPS password
3. Click on the blue link "Algebra 1 Honors"
4. If it is your first time logging in you have to pick your language, icon, and background
5. Hit "Classes" and the assignments will appear- each test is worth 100 points.

10/31 and 11/03
No homework due to CGAs
Quiz next class on the following
1. Sets
2. Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities
3. Chapter 4
Extra Credit Due on Sunday

11/04 and 11/05
Recycle Quiz
Chapter 4 Test Review on Math XL must be completed by end of week
Extra Credit Due on Sunday


TUTORING is now available on BOTH Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3pm-3:40pm. Please be on time when picking up your student at the front of the school. Please take advantage of this time to do your online homework, test recycling, or test prep with me!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

MJ2 Advanced Topic 4 Homework (Rational and Irrational Numbers) Topic 5 Homework (Perfect Squares, perfect cubes, multiplying and dividing exponents)

10/16 and 10/17

Please complete the online homework using this link.

#6 and #10 are extra credit on the homework

 How to login!
Login information:  Student DCPS login and Password
Username: Capital S + your student number
Password: Capital First Name Initial + Two digit birthday + Lowercase Last Name Initial + Last four digits of the SSN

 Page 87 (launch only)
Page 90 #s1-3
Page 92 (first question only)
Page 93 #s 1-3
Page 98 #1 and #3
Page 102 #s 1-3

10/20 and 10/21
Take home QUIZ!!!! Will be graded on accuracy!

10/22 and 10/23
Online HW Topic 5; please make up Topic 4 if you had technical issues.
Instructions are above on how to login and students were shown in class!

10/27 and 10/28
Kuta Software Worksheet (odds only)
Rules of Exponents Worksheet (#s 1-12)
1. Show new work
2. Explain using your math vocabulary what you did incorrectly

No homework due to CGAs; must turn in any recycling or late homework by next class if you want credit


Sunday, October 5, 2014

MJ2 Advanced HW Topic 3

09/26/2014 and 09/29/2014
Worksheet on repeating decimals (all questions)

09/30/2014 and 10/01/2014
Converting fractions to decimals and decimals to fractions worksheet

10/02/2014 and 10/03/2014
Practice Test on converting fractions, decimals, and percents
Math Journal will be due next class!!! Make sure all of your notes are up to date! :)

10/06/2014 and 10/07/2014
"topic 3 review" worksheet

10/08/2014 and 10/09/2014
Review of percent of a number, percent proportion, and percent error

10/10/2014 and 10/ 13/2014
Test Review worksheet;
EXTRA CREDIT!!!! Make flashcards on....
1. the steps to percent proportion
2. conversions between fraction decimal and percent
3. terminating and repeating decimals
4. finding a percent of a whole
5. percent error
If you make flashcards on these items you can get extra credit on the test and USE THEM on the test! :) You're welcome! ;)
 Test will be next class!

10/14/2014 and 10/15/2014
No Homework
All grades have been updated and are final (unless you have make up work). To give you time for recycling, this last test will not be on the 1st 9 weeks report card.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Algebra 1 Homework Chapter 3

09/30 and 10/01
Cumulative Review on Chapter 1 and 2 worksheet

10/02 and 10/03
Recycle test (NOT optional)
1. Rewrite the problem and resolve
2. Using your math vocabulary, explain what your mistake was and what you should have done to solve the problem

10/06 and 10/07
textbook page 193 #s 1-27
Math journal will be graded next class! Be sure all your notes and bell ringers are completed and up to date. Missing bell ringers and notes will result in a 5 point deduction for each missing entry. 

10/08 and 10/09
textbook page 204 #s11-22

10/10 and 10/13
make sure both class test reviews are complete!
EXTRA CREDIT!!!! Make flashcards on....
1. solving and graphing one step inequalities, two step inequalities, and multi-step inequalities
2. interval notation
3. set builder notation
4. solving and graphing compound inequalities (intersections and unions)

If you make flashcards on these items you can get extra credit on the test and USE THEM on the test! :) You're welcome! ;)
 Test will be next class!

10/14 and 10/15
No Homework
All grades have been updated and are final (unless you have make up work). To give you time for recycling, this last test will not be on the 1st 9 weeks report card.

10/16 and 10/17
Page 226 #s 58-61
Percent of Change Worksheet

10/20 and 10/21
Page 211 #s 17-47 all (you are given the chance to do the odds in class)

Recycle test (NOT optional)
1. Rewrite the problem and resolve
2. Using your math vocabulary, explain what your mistake was and what you should have done to solve the problem