Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Algebra 1 Homework Chapter 3

09/30 and 10/01
Cumulative Review on Chapter 1 and 2 worksheet

10/02 and 10/03
Recycle test (NOT optional)
1. Rewrite the problem and resolve
2. Using your math vocabulary, explain what your mistake was and what you should have done to solve the problem

10/06 and 10/07
textbook page 193 #s 1-27
Math journal will be graded next class! Be sure all your notes and bell ringers are completed and up to date. Missing bell ringers and notes will result in a 5 point deduction for each missing entry. 

10/08 and 10/09
textbook page 204 #s11-22

10/10 and 10/13
make sure both class test reviews are complete!
EXTRA CREDIT!!!! Make flashcards on....
1. solving and graphing one step inequalities, two step inequalities, and multi-step inequalities
2. interval notation
3. set builder notation
4. solving and graphing compound inequalities (intersections and unions)

If you make flashcards on these items you can get extra credit on the test and USE THEM on the test! :) You're welcome! ;)
 Test will be next class!

10/14 and 10/15
No Homework
All grades have been updated and are final (unless you have make up work). To give you time for recycling, this last test will not be on the 1st 9 weeks report card.

10/16 and 10/17
Page 226 #s 58-61
Percent of Change Worksheet

10/20 and 10/21
Page 211 #s 17-47 all (you are given the chance to do the odds in class)

Recycle test (NOT optional)
1. Rewrite the problem and resolve
2. Using your math vocabulary, explain what your mistake was and what you should have done to solve the problem

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