Friday, July 18, 2014

Welcome to the 2014-2015 School Year! :)

Welcome to Mrs. Johnson's Math Class at Julia Landon College Prep!
Get excited for the 2014 school year! It's going to be a fun and productive year of growth! I teach different levels of math for both 6th and 7th grade, so please be sure to look for the correct grade level and subject when looking for the future homework assignments and photo copies of notes from class. The supplies and curriculum papers however are the same for each grade level and class.  

Supplies needed for class:
Composition Book (for math journal), graph paper, and pencils
These are supplies we will need daily in class!
If feasible please also get highlighters and expo markers.
Also any clorox wipes, kleenexes, and hand sanitizer that can be donated is also greatly appreciated!

Below you can find the curriculum paper for both 7th grade Algebra as well as 6th and 7th grade MJ2. The curriculum paper will allow you to know how grades will be calculated and the types of assignments to expect and what you will be held accountable for. Changes may be made to the curriculum paper as the year progresses, if changes are deemed necessary for the best of the class or if new mandates are made by the district. 

Grades are calculated on a points based system. Below includes the different types of assignments, a description of the assignment, and the points available for the assignment. Grades can be accessed through Grade Portal. You should check this regularly to make sure your student is on track. If you need login information please see/call our Guidance Secretary Ms. Cameron. On Grade Portal there will also be documentation of interventions for students who are struggling with specific topics. This is the main tool I will use to communicate with parents.

Homework- (scale of 1-10 points)
Homework will be consistent and will be assigned nightly. There will only be 5 to 10 questions a night for homework. These questions are graded based on completion and are checked for general understanding of a concept that we have learned. Students should take this time to use as practice and to learn from mistakes.THERE IS NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED UNLESS ABSENT. 
Exit Slips- (10 points)
Exit slips are used to “exit” a concept or learning target. Exit slips may be assigned in class at the beginning of class or at the end.
Quiz- (20-50 points)
Quizzes will be announced in advance. Quizzes may be individual, partnered, or assigned in groups. Students are allowed to recycle (correct) missed questions. Corrections must be done following the correct guidelines (guidelines for corrections are provided at the end of the curriculum paper in blue) for ½ credit to be awarded back for each question.  
Summative- (100 points)
Summatives are post-tests given at the end of a module and are taken individually. Recycling is also available for students. However, once again for ½ credit to be awarded back for missed questions, students must complete the corrections requirements.
Math Journals- (100 Points)
Math Journals will be graded based on organization, neatness, completeness, and that effort has been implemented to ensure this is usable as a useful study tool for tests.  Math journals are used as our "notebook" for class. Students must have the correct table of contents, pages numbered correctly, and all of the notes from each class. Students are responsible to get notes from when they are absent. 
Group Projects- (100 points)
Group projects will be completed mainly in class. The projects may require additonal supplies but the requests will be minimal. Students will be graded based on their individual involvement, the accuracy of the mathematics, and the aesthetics/appearence of the project. 

Correction Requirements-
Corrections MUST be done on a separate sheet of paper OR in a different colored pen on the original paper. Corrections must be clear for the teacher to read. Points will not be rewarded if corrections are not done correctly. 
1. State new answer and SHOW NEW WORK for how you arrived at the correct answer
2. Give a written explanation on how you solved the problem correctly. For this step you need to use the correct vocabulary/ wordage of the steps you took to solve the problem. 

Late Work Policy-
Late work policy varies by grade level. Please email me at if you need information about the late work policy. Thanks! :)

Academic Integrity-
I expect from my students a high level of responsibility and academic honesty. Any student who commits an act of scholastic dishonesty is subject to discipline. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, and the submission for credit of any work or materials that are attributable in whole or in part to another person.

Classroom Expections- The Three B's! 
Be prepared
Be involved

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