Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tutoring today 12/17

Due to family, tutoring will not occur today. I apologize for any inconvenience but family is first. Have a Happy Holiday and email me if you need anything! Don't forget about the winter break packet on mathxlforschool!

Monday, December 14, 2015

Algebra 1 Honors 12/14-12/18

12/14  (B Day)-
In class students will be taking a partner test on Chapter 5 to review skills from Chapter 5

Homework- Winter Break Packet #s 1-55 on this is a test grade and is graded on accuracy; it is due upon our return from break

12/15 (A) and 12/16 (B)

In class students will finish grading partner test on Chapter 5
Students will take three quizzes on graphing on linear, quadratic, and cubic functions
Students will practice section 6-1 and 6-2

Homework- Winter Break Packet #s 1-55 on this is a test grade and is graded on accuracy; it is due upon our return from break

12/17 (A) and 12/18 (B)

In class students will take notes on 6-3 and practice 6-1 an 6-2

Homework- Winter Break Packet #s 1-55 on this is a test grade and is graded on accuracy; it is due upon our return from break


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Tutoring this Week 12/14-12/18

Due to Holiday parties for various clubs that I am apart of, tutoring will only occur on Thursday this week!

Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11th and 14th

In Class- students completed partner quiz on chapter 5 and practiced graphing on transum graph match

Homework- mathXL #s 1-15

December 9th and 10th

In Class- Students reviewed Chapter 5 with a partner test

Homework- MathXL #s 1-15

December 7th and 8th

In Class- Students took MOC EOC

Homework- MathXL #s 1-20

December 3rd and 4th

In Class- Students took MOC EOC

Homework- mathxl #s 1-23

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1st and 2nd

In Class- students took notes on 6-1 and 6-2

Homework- #s 1-16; use notes!

                                               FRIDAY AND TUESDAY FOR B DAY STUDENTS
Students who show proficiency will receive a free 100%. Students who show growth from baseline will receive extra credit depending on the amount of growth demonstrated. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

November 23rd and 24th

In class- students finished the chapter 4 and 5 test if necessary; students started on the classwork assigned on mathxl which reviewed all graphing from Chapter 5 to prepare students for Chapter 6.

Homework- students who have not completed the classwork will need to finish it for homework on

Friday, November 20, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 16th through November 19th

In Class- students will review for their Chapter 5 test; students were given a "cheat sheet" on Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 for a studying tool.

Homework- Chapter 4 and 5 review on

Friday, November 13, 2015

November 12th and 13th Algebra HW

In class- parallel and perpendicular lines
Homework- Virtual Nerd Videos on Chapter 5 from the online textbook assigned to you under "classes"and #s 1-10

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9th and 10th Algebra 1 Honors HW

In Class- students will turn in their take home quizzes on sections 4-4, 4-6, 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3.
Students will take notes on 5-4 and 5-5

Homework- #s 1-15

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 4th and 5th

In class: students completed practice on operations with integers without a calculator, organized binder for the binder check, and finished the in class review for the take home quiz.

Homework: students are to complete the take home quiz (Due Monday for B Day students and Due Tuesday for A Day students). Help for the quiz is provided during after school homework help.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 2nd and 3rd

In Class-
Students will participate in centers on slope, slope intercept form, graphing linear and non-linear lines, direct variation, and identifying functions/domain/range

Students will complete a take home quiz on 4-4, 4-6, 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3. This take home quiz is graded on accuracy, notes may be used, students may get help in after school tutoring, and it is DUE FRIDAY 11/6 for A Day Students and MONDAY 11/9 for B Day Students.

October 22nd & 23rd, October 26th and 27th, October 28th and 29th

October 22nd and 23rd
Homework- Domain and Range, determining if relations are functions, vertical line test
                    MathXL #s 1-15
October 26th and October 27th
Homework-  Domain and Range, determining if relations are functions, vertical line test, SLOPE
                    MathXL #s 1-18
October 28th and 29th 
Homework- Direct Variation, Slope, and Slope Intercept Form
                   MathXL #s 1-20

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 20th and 21st Algebra 1 Honors HW

In Class- students completed two real life problems that involved creating an equation, making a table, and completing a graph to represent the situation

Homework- #s 1-15

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 16th and October 19th

In class- students who did not finish the test had time in class to finish; students who completed the test watched virtual nerd videos on 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3

Homework- watch all virtual nerd videos (B day classes only) assigned to you on the online pearson textbook and complete the MathXL homework assignment on those sections on

October 14th and 15th

In class- students took test in class

Homework- graphing in all 4 quadrants pumpkin picture

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12th and 13th Algebra 1 Honors HW

In Class- students will participate in completing a test review on multi-step inequalities, compound inequalities, and absolute value equations and inequalities

Homework- MATHXL review #s 1-23; TEST NEXT CLASS!!! It is an INDIVIDUAL test!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

October 8th and 9th Algebra 1 Honors HW

In class- students will participate in two focus lessons: percent proportion/equation and percent of change; students took guided notes on absolute value equations and inequalities; next class will be a review on literal equations, multi-step inequalities, proportions, compound inequalities, and absolute value equations/inequalities; test will be next Wednesday and Thursday on this material.

Homework- homework on absolute value equations and inequalities

October 6th and 7th Algebra 1 Honors HW

In class- students participated in two focus lessons: scale models and similar figures
              students took guided notes on multi step inequalities and compound inequalities
HW- homework on multi-step inequalities and compound inequalities

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 2nd and 5th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- students will finish their partner quizzes on proportions, literal equations, multistep equations and inequalities

HW- Inequalities HW on
         Extra Credit assignment on chapter 1 due tonight (10/05) at midnight!

September 30th and October 1st- Algebra 1 Honors HW

In Class- students took their partner quiz to practice literal equations, multi-step equations and inequalities. These questions were based off of practice EOC material.

Homework- students are to complete the extra credit assignment #s 1-64 on
The extra credit is due by Monday at midnight!

Monday, September 28, 2015

September 28th and 29th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Algebra HW 9/24 and 9/25

In class- students learned about solving literal equations; the key is to work towards the variable using inverse operations to isolate the variable; students also learned how to pull key words from word problems to write equations

Homework- literal equations HW online

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 22nd and 23rd HW for Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- students will review how to set up proportions and how to solve proportions; students will be introduced to solving proportions that involve using the distributive property

In class- students will take notes on proportions using guided notes, have a focus review lesson on solving equations, will take a 10 question quiz, and then turn in their notebooks for a notebook check.

Homework-complete HW on proportions on

Friday, September 18, 2015

September 18th and 21st

Objective- Learn how to write equations for word problems
In Class- students are to complete all assignment on the online textbook

6B, 7B, and 8B- any computer assignments not completed in class with substitute are to be completed as homework!!
Center 1
Mini quiz 2-3
Mini quiz 2-4
Chapter 2 Mid Chapter Quiz Review

*** Any students who do not have internet access need to stay after school to finish the assignment 

There will be a quiz on solving all types of equations on Tuesday 9/21 and Wednesday 9/22
There will also be a BINDER CHECK on Tuesday 9/21 and Wednesday 9/22; please be sure all bellringers, homework, classwork, notes, tests, and quizzes are under the correct tab and organized/completed. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September 16th and 17th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- students will learn how to solve equations that have variables on both sides as well as equations that have no solution or infinite solutions

In class- students will receive their take home quiz back and it will be kept in their binders; then students will take notes on new topics using guided notes; then students will sign up for a mathXL account and be able to start their HW assignment in class

Homework- MATHXL QUIZ on solving all types of equations (one step, two step, multi-step, eliminating fractions, variables on both sides, equations with no solution and infinite solutions); Students MUST USE NOTES to help them while solving these problems.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

September 14th and 15th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- Review one step, two step, and multistep equations; students will also learn how to eliminate fractions before solving equations

In class- students will take guided notes; have practice with a partner; will turn in their recycling from the last test as well as turn in their take home quiz on one step and two step equations

Homework in Textbook
Page 98 #s 45-53 (ALL)
Page 153 #s 13-23 (ODDS)

Friday, September 11, 2015

September 10th and 11th Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- students will be finishing the second session of their Algebra 1 Honors baseline; then students will participate in a mini-lesson review of one step and two step equations. These notes will be important for students to use while completing their homework.

TAKE HOME QUIZ on solving one step and two step equations; work MUST be shown like in the notes for full credit. This QUIZ will be graded on accuracy!

Enrichment math students who have me 1A or 2A also need to finish 2-2 on mathxl if it was not finished in class. 2-2 will be due by Monday so make sure it is done! Those who have not finished do not yet have a grade in focus, if it is not complete by Monday whatever work that has been completed will be what is graded and all unfinished questions will be marked as incorrect.

Monday, September 7, 2015

September 8th and 9th Algebra 1 Honors Homework

Objective- Students will be taking the Algebra 1 Honors District Baseline Session 1

Homework- Students MUST recycle their test. This is NOT an optional assignment! This assignment is due by next class period.

Step 1- Resolve the problem and SHOW YOUR WORK
Step 2- Explain the steps in which to solve the problem correctly using correct terminology from the guided notes as well as full sentences.
Step 3- If applicable, write important vocabulary words needed to solve the problem correctly and a brief definition of the word or words.

Failure to recycle the missed questions like asked above will result in withholding the students test grade until it is done correctly. If the test is never recycled the student will receive a zero on the test.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3rd and September 4th Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- students will be tested on Chapter 1 foundations of Algebra as well as a review of the rules of integers (a non-calculator section of the test)
In Class- Test
Homework- Page 77 #s 1-18

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1st and September 2nd Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- Students will review distributive property, combining like terms, PEMDAS, integer rules, and necessary vocabulary.
In Class- students completed notes on the topics above. Students completed practice problems to review for test.

Homework- Complete the ONLINE assignment Chapter 1 Review and study the notes for your Chapter 1 QUIZ next class!!! Come to class prepared! You are in HIGH SCHOOL and need to study!
How to get onto the online textbook:
1) Go to blog
2) Click on Algebra 1 Textbook under "Important links"
3) Login with normal username and password
4) Click on "Pearson Realize"
5) Click on "Classes" and you will see the assignment. Click on the assignment to begin.

Friday, August 28, 2015

August 28th and August 31st Algebra 1 Honors HW

Objective- Students will learn about Rational Numbers and the Real Number System
In Class- Students completed a bellringer on combining like terms and writing algebraic expressions and we reviewed the homework from the last class. Students also took notes on the real number system and we discussed rational numbers versus irrational numbers and reviewed rules for + - x / integers.

Algebra textbook Page 69 #s 26-29 and Page 70 #s 32-46

For Page 69 plug in the values for the variables then use PEMDAS
Below is a snippet from our notes to help you for your HW on Page 70:

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 26th and August 27th HW Algebra 1 Honors

Objective of Lesson: Variables and Expressions; Simplifying Expressions using PEMDAS
In Class- We reviewed the homework from last class, completed a bell-ringer on combining "like" terms and writing algebraic expressions using key words. Students took notes on identifying terms, variables, coefficients, and constants as well as how to combine like terms and write expressions in standard form. 

Homework to be completed in Textbook:
Page 13 #s 25-33
(Substitute the values for the variables and then use PEMDAS to solve!)
Bring a picture for the bulletin board!

Friday, August 21, 2015

August 24th and 25th HW Algebra 1 Honors

Variables and Expressions; Simplifying Expressions using PEMDAS
In Class- Rituals, Routines, Guidelines, and Expectations
                Students took notes on 1-1 and 1-2 and reviewed rules for integers
Homework to be completed in Textbook:
Page 7 #s 1-8
Page 13 #s 1-6
Bring a picture for the bulletin board!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8th Grade Algebra 1 Honors

Welcome! It is my honor to be your Algebra 1 Honors teacher this 2015-2016 school year. This year you will be completing a HIGH SCHOOL course and this will be for HIGH SCHOOL credit. It is extremely important that you understand that this will be on your high school transcript when applying for colleges. Therefore, you must complete assignments on time and study for tests to be successful in this course. 


(the following steps must be completed for each missed question on a test)
1. Redo the problem and SHOW YOUR WORK
2. Explain the steps that should have taken place and why; explain your mistake
3. List any vocabulary that is important to know from this question and the definition


Tab 1: Bellringers
Tab 2: Homework
Tab 3: Notes/ Powerpoints
Tab 4: Classwork
Tab 5: Quizzes, Tests, and Recycling
Tab 6: Enrichment (for enrichment Algebra students only)

Bring this folder, your workbook, a pencil, and a calculator with you EVERYDAY!!

Homework help (or "tutoring") will occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 2:55pm to 3:35pm. During this time we will complete homework in small groups. All of my students are welcome. Students must have a ride promptly at 3:35pm on the Thacker side of the building. If students are given permission, students are allowed to walk to the San Marco library if you are not able to pick them up on time. 
Thank you! And I hope students are able to come for help!

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

100% students passed the Algebra 1 EOC!!!

It is with great pleasure that I announce that 100% of my students PASSED their Algebra 1 State EOC. Each of your worked extremely hard and I am so THRILLED for each of you! The details of what score you officially received will be known later (including all perfect scores).
Congrats and enjoy the rest of your summer!!!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Classwork 1A and 3A (read instructions carefully)

The following is your classwork. 
Show your work in your math journal and when you are done record your score.
This (the work and the score) should be turned into the substitute. 

Be Sure That Your Quiz Has The Following Items Selected And Length, Level, etc. Is The Same As You See Here To The Top Left. 
Follow This Link To The Quiz :

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Discover your Personality

Knowing yourself and understanding who you are as a person can help you work with other people who may be different than you.

Monday, May 11, 2015

MJ2 End of Year Projects

Project 1- Due Date- 5/5 (B day) and 5/6 (A day)
Coordinate Plane Hidden Image
Students will graph points in all 4 quadrants to create a hidden shape.

Project 2- Due Date-5/14 (B day) and 5/15 (A day)
Scale Model Blueprint
See Rubric to the right

Friday, May 1, 2015


Be sure to take advantage of the last two tutoring sessions on Monday May 4th and Tuesday May 5th from 3:00-4:30pm.
* The Algebra State End of Course Exam is pass or fail.
* It is mandatory to receive credit for this high school course.
* Without passing this EOC you cannot obtain a high school diploma and you cannot proceed to Stanton or Paxon in the 9th grade without this course.

The stakes are high so make sure you are using the at home studying tools, reviewing old tests, and coming to tutoring sessions after school in the media center! :)



Monday, April 27, 2015

Topic Schedule for Algebra Tutoring in Media Center AND AT HOME PRACTICE ;) ;)

Monday 04/27 3:00 - 4:30pm
Graphing linear inequalities, absolute value, parabolas, and parallel/perpendicular lines
Extra at home practice: Match the graph with the correct equation (try all three levels).

Tuesday 04/28 3:00 - 4:30pm
System of Equations (solving using substitution and elimination)
System of Inequalities (graphing/shading and identifying)
System of Equations and Inequalities Word Problems

Extra at home practice:
(skip videos/ only do the activities represented by the stars on the right)

Thursday 04/30 3:00 - 4:30pm
Literal Equations
Compound Inequalities
Converting between standard, slope intercept, and point slope form
Extra at home practice: 

Solving and Graphing Compound Inequalities

Converting From Standard, Slope Intercept, and Point Slope Form (skip videos/ only do the activities represented by the stars on the right)

Slope from Graph, Two Points, Slope Intercept, and Standard Form (skip videos/ only do the activities represented by the stars on the right)

Monday 05/04 3:00 - 4:30pm
Exponent Rules
Square Roots
Set Theory
Extra at home practice: 

Negative Exponents and Basic Exponent Rules/Expressions (skip the videos/ only do the activities
represented by the stars on the right)

Exponent Expressions (skip the videos/ only do the activities)

Simplifying, Adding, and Subtracting Square Roots (skip the videos/ only do the activities represented by the stars on the right)

 Solving Radical Equations (skip the videos/ only do the activities represented by the stars on the right)

Tuesday 05/05 3:00 - 4:30pm
Polynomials and Factoring
Completing the Square
Quadratic Formula
Extra at home practice:
Factoring Quadratics 1 and 2

Completing the Square and Solving using the Quadratic Formula

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring (solve then check your answers with key)

Solving Quadratic Equations by Finding the Roots (solve then check your answers with key)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

MJ2 Homework- FSA Practice

FSA Practice Packet-
Students have been given specific problems to complete since 4/13 in their math FSA practice packets; the due date for these packets are Wednesday 4/22 for A day students and Thursday 4/23 for B day students

4/20 and 4/21
Surface area and volume worksheets #s 1-10 (except #2)

04/22 and 04/23
4A and 6B - finish classwork on proportional relationships

8B- review FSA packet

04/24 - 06/05
no homework

FSA is on April 27th, 28th, 29th
There are THREE SESSIONS and students are split into two groups. 
Group 1 (6B) takes their session one on Monday and sessions 2 and 3 on Tuesday
Group 2 (4A and 8B) takes their session one on Monday and sessions 2 and 3 on Wednesday

ALL MJ2 Assignments from this point on will be in class/project based assignments; anything not completed by the due date will have points deducted. 

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Algebra 1 Honors Homework EOC Prep

04/14 and 04/15 
Chapters 2-6 Midterm Review (started in class/finish for HW)

04/20 and 04/21
EOC prep #3 test #s 1-26

A letter on EOC Practice Dates (see screenshot of letter below) has been sent home with students. Students who come to the tutoring sessions will have the opportunity to practice EOC type questions as well as peer tutor other students who may be struggling. The best way to truly know a subject is to teach it. Please encourage your children to come on the dates listed below. Information on the time, place, and options for transportation home are also in the letter below. The  bus schedule is on the actual copy of the letter being sent home. 
                  SESSION 2 WILL TAKE PLACE ON MAY 8TH

04/22 and 04/23
Finish EOC Practice Test #3 #s- 27-55

04/24 and 04/25
1A- page 392 #s 29-31 and 393 #s 1-15
3A- page 392 #s 29-31 and 393 #s 1-15 and Page 403 #s 10-25

*** Students MUST complete the packet from the cafeteria sessions; graded as a test grade (covers chapter 8 and 9)

*** Students MUST complete the 70 question EOC online test on the online textbook; graded as a test grade (covers ALL chapters from the year) DUE BY WEDNESDAY FOR A DAY STUDENTS AND THURSDAY FOR B DAY STUDENTS

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

7th Grade Math FSA Practice

Please visit this website for material and training tests to get more familiar with computer based testing! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Dear Parents,
My husband, Mr. Johnson, had a revision surgery on his hip replacement (cancer survivor of 15 years!) and I will now have to take him to physical therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tutoring will now be on Wednesdays (except early release days). Tutoring is currently available for ALGEBRA students only to help prepare these students for their State EOC. There will be no tutoring for MJ2 students so please make other accommodations.
Thank you for your flexibility!
Sincerely, Mrs. J

MJ2 Homework Topic 18 and 19 and 20 and 22

These are the dates that the assignments have been given; each assignment is always due the next class period. No late work accepted third or fourth quarter.
03/23 and 03/24
Topic 18-1 and 18-2 Online Homework

03/25 and 03/26
Worksheet on theoretical and experimental probability (topic 18)

03/27 and 03/30
Topic 18 review online and Topic 18 test online

6B and 8B only-
18-3 and 18-4 Online videos/tutorials
Online Test for Topic 18

03/31 and 04/01
Topic 19 Review Online (4A and 6B)
Worksheets (x2) on classifying angles (8B)

04/06 and 04/07
Topic 20 HW- Worksheet on circles (area and circumference)

04/08 and 04/09
Topic 22 HW- Online HW Volume of Right Prisms and Right Pyramids

04/10 and 04/14
First 15 problems in FSA Review Packet

Algebra 1 Homework Chapter 10 and 11

These are the dates that the assignments have been given; each assignment is always due the next class period. No late work accepted third or fourth quarter.

03/23 and 03/24
Chapter 10 Mid-chapter Review Online

03/25 and 03/26
Page 654 #s 6-22 even and #s 23-30 all
Page 655 #s 31-44 all

03/27 and 03/30
Chapter 10 Online Test Review
****Complete any recycling work given to you by Ms. J if you want to try and bring up your grade for report cards

03/31 and 04/01
Chapter 10 Online Test (TEST GRADE)

04/06 and 04/07
Page 716 #s 4-16

04/08 and 04/09
Page 667 #s 1-7
Page 674 #s 11-28

04/10 and 04/13
Page 681 #s 8-10, 18, 19, 21

Monday, March 9, 2015

MJ2 Advanced Topic 17 Homework

The dates listed are the dates the assignments were assigned. All homework is due the next class period. No late work accepted. 
03/10 and 03/11
Topic 17-1 and 17-2 Online Homework

03/12 and 03/13
Topic 17-3 and 17-4 Online Homework

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Algebra 1 Honors Homework Chapter 9

The dates listed are the dates the assignments were assigned. All homework is due the next class period. No late work accepted. 

02/18 and 02/19
Worksheet on Parent Functions

02/20 and 02/23
Take home extra practice (TEST GRADE) Chapter 7 and 8 (assorted problems)

02/24 and 02/25
Textbook Homework
Page 550 #s 7-25 odds
Page 556 #s 7-19 odds

02/26 and 02/27
Page 564 #s 8-30 evens

03/02 and 03/03
Mid Chapter Review online for Chapter 9

03/04 and 03/05
Textbook Page 579 #s 7-18

03/06 and 03/09
Page 604 #s 5-29 odd
Page 605 #s 30-40 evens

03/10 and 03/11
Textbook Page 607 #s 1-20
Quiz on Chapter 9 sections 9-1 through 9-7 NEXT CLASS

03/12 and 03/13
click on this link and find the link to the answer key to check your work; it is located under "how can I prepare"!

Monday, February 9, 2015

MJ2 Topic 15/Topic 16 Homework!

The dates listed are the dates the assignments were assigned. All homework is due the next class period. No late work accepted. 
02/09 and 02/10
4A and 6B- 15-1 and 15-2 online homework
(8B class no homework)

02/11 and 02/12
4A and 6B - Topic 15 Review online homework; quiz next class
8B- 15-1 and 15-2 Online Homework

02/13 and 02/17
4A and 6B- No homework
8B- 15-3 and 15-4 Online Homework

02/18 and 02/19
4A and 6B- 16-1 Online Homework
8B- Topic 15 Review Online; Quiz Next class

02/20 and 02/23
4A and 6B- 16-1 Online Homework (different version)
8B- no homework

02/24 and 02/25
4A and 6B- 16-2 Online Homework
8B- 16-1 Online Homework

02/26 and 02/27
4A and 6B- 16-3 Online Homework
8B- 16-2 and 16-3 Online Homework

03/03 and 03/04
All classes- 16-4 and 16-5 Online Homework

Monday, January 26, 2015

MJ2 Advanced HW Topic 14

01/26 and 01/27
Percents and Proportional Relationships classwork (if not finished in class)

01/28 and 01/29
Click this Link to Play the Slope Song! :)
Linear equations and slope of a line assignments on the Online Textbook Due next class

02/03 and 02/04
Review Packet on Topic 14; test next class on this topic

02/05 and 02/06
Online HW assignment on linear equations

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Algebra 1 Honors- Chapter 8 HW

01/26 and 01/27
8.1 Quiz Online due next class!
Finish Classwork if necessary (in math journal) Page 489 #s 1-15 and Page 490 #s 16-41

01/28 and 01/29
Page 495 #s 9-25 ODD
Page 496 #s 49-52
Page 502 #s 20-24
Page 502 #s 31-34
Page 508 #s 37-49 ODD
Page 508 #s 50, 54
Page 509 #s 59-61
*** assignment is worth three hw grades 

01/30 and 02/02
Chapter 8 Mid-Chapter Review Online (25 pts, must get 70% or higher for full credit of completion)
Page 510 #s 1-30 (3A class only)
Finish classwork  in textbook page 510 #s 1-30; page 536 #s 6-28 if necessary (5B and 7B class only)

02/03 and 02/04
Page 537 #s 42-58
Page 157 #s 2-18 even
Page 227 #s 2-26 even (omit #14)
*** assignment is worth three hw grades

02/05 and 02/06
Page 287 #s 2-20 evens (omit 14 and 16)
Page 539 #s 1-23 odds
Page 516 #s 32-40 all
***assignment is worth three hw grades

02/09 and 02/10
End of Chapter 8 Review Online

02/11 and 02/12
Chapter 8 Test Review Online; test next class.

02/13 and 02/17
Benchmark Test #4- covers Chapter 7 and 8

Friday, January 16, 2015

Quarter 3 and Quarter 4 Expectations and Guidelines

Students will not be allowed to recycle tests or quizzes for extra points. Grades from tests and quizzes will now be final. Students will still be encouraged to find mistakes from the questions missed on tests and quizzes to grasp a better understanding. At the end of each quarter students can choose one test to recycle for half credit.

Students will now receive zero credit for late assignments. No late assignments will be accepted for the 3rd or 4th quarter. At the end of the quarter students can choose one missing assignment to make up for 50% credit.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

MJ2 Advanced Topic 8 Homework

01/05/2015 and 01/06/2015
8.1 and 8.2 Homework Worksheet
Topic 7 Quiz will be next class; study review notes!

01/07 and 01/08
Finish 8.1 and 8.2

01/09 and 01/12
8.3 and 8.4 Worksheet

01/12 and 01/13
Topic 8 Review Online

01/14 and 01/15
CGA Review on the online textbook

01/20 through 01/22
CGA #2 will be Thursday and Friday of this week
It will cover these topics-
Ratios and Rates
Proportional Relationships
Equivalent Expressions (combining liker terms, factoring, distributive property)
Inequalities (solving one step/two step/ multi step and graphing their answers)

Extra Credit-
Complete 35 Question Packet for 3 free 100's to study for CGA

Algebra 1 Honors- Chapter 7 Homework

01/05/2015 and 01/06/2015
Textbook page 446 #s 1-20

01/07 and 01/08
Online Mid Chapter review for Chapter 7

01/09 and 01/12
Worksheets on rules for exponents (X2)

01/13 through 01/23
CGA Review Part 1 and Part 2 on the online textbook (this is a mandatory assignment)
Extra Credit Opportunity: Extra Practice for Chapters 5, 6, and 7 (ODDS ONLY) have been assigned on the online textbook to help you study for your CGA. Each of these that are completed with a passing score will receive a free 100 test score to be averaged in with your 3rd nine weeks grade.
CGA #2 will be Thursday and Friday of this week

Thursday, January 1, 2015


The tutoring schedule has changed.
Tuesdays are open for Algebra students ONLY. It occurs from 3:00-3:45 pm.
Thursdays are open for MJ2 students ONLY. It occurs from 3:00-3:30 pm

Students must be picked up promptly or they will not be asked back to tutoring.