Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 1st and September 2nd Algebra 1 Honors

Objective- Students will review distributive property, combining like terms, PEMDAS, integer rules, and necessary vocabulary.
In Class- students completed notes on the topics above. Students completed practice problems to review for test.

Homework- Complete the ONLINE assignment Chapter 1 Review and study the notes for your Chapter 1 QUIZ next class!!! Come to class prepared! You are in HIGH SCHOOL and need to study!
How to get onto the online textbook:
1) Go to blog www.johnsonhw.blogspot.com
2) Click on Algebra 1 Textbook under "Important links"
3) Login with normal username and password
4) Click on "Pearson Realize"
5) Click on "Classes" and you will see the assignment. Click on the assignment to begin.

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